Inside The Episodes

Season 4 - Episode 12
'The Morning After'

The morning after the attack, the team is trying to process what happened. A search through the security camera footage turns up some nasty surprises. Mark is shocked at what he sees and, feeling betrayed and lied to, goes to confront the culprit. He wants to be the master of his own destiny and take on his enemy, no matter what the consequences.

Inside The Inside Man - Season 4 Episode 12

Kirsty and Jim describe the extended process of getting the actors into the appropriate emotional space to film the crucial final hospital scene. Perry draws on his coding past to elaborate on  the real life problem of legacy code that can have vast  hidden potential for future cyberattacks while Eric describes the huge task of unpicking legacy code. Jim describes the process of creating the series’ first original song and Rob explains the thinking behind the development of the mysterious character who finally reveals himself at the end of episode twelve.

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